Pieve delle Sante Flora e Lucilla (Santa Fiora) |
(The Andrea della Robbia Ceramics)
The SS. Flora and Lucilla Pieve has a facade enriched by a travertine rose window under which there is the marble coat of arms of the Sforza and of the Segni dukes (XVI° century). Inside there is ceramic earthenware by Andrea della Robbia (1435 - 1528): the visit starts from the christening font, with the panel of the Baptism of Jesus sorrounded by a swag of leaves and fruits (amongst which there is the quince, symbol of the Sforza Family). On the left wall, the painting of the Madonna della Cintola appears, of great stage effect. In the central nave, against a pillar, there is a beautiful pulpit formed by three bas-reliefs sustained by "pietra serena" (local stone) pillars: the central paned depicts the Last Supper; the others depict the Resurrection and the Accession. There is a Crucifix inserted in a niche on the right hand wall. Moving towards the exit there is a triptych with the Coronation of the Virgin Mary in the centre and on the sides San Francis receiving the stigmata (on the left) and San Girolamo penitent (on the right). The scenes are surmounted by naturalistic swags with leaves and fruits. In the predella scenes of the Annunciation, Nativity and Adoration of the magi are portrayed. The collection is completed by the Tabernacle of Sacred Oils.